
Jarvis Includes a powerful backup tool to help you quickly backup your important files.

Note : Please make sure you start Jarvis a administrator before using backup commands.

Note : Also make sure that paths in Settings File like path to backup etc are correctly set.


  1. backup -d

    To backup all the directories mentioned in the settings file

  2. backup -a

    To backup all the data of all the users

  3. backup -a -e

    To backup all the Essential items of all the users

    Essential includes all the data present in desktop, download , videos, pictures, music folder

  4. backup -a -c

    To backup all the data of the current user

  5. backup -e -c

    To backup all the essential data of the current user

  6. backup -a -d

    -d can be clubbed with any other command

  7. backup jarvis

    To backup the jarvis files such as passwords, settings etc

  8. restore jarvis

    To restore the settings, passwords etc from the backup site

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